December 27, 2004

Random Thoughts Volume 89476

Random Thoughts Volume 89476

1. The results of the tsunami in Asia are devastating. It sucks that so many of these natural tragedies occur in places that already have so many problems to begin with. I mean 500 m.p.h. waves? I can't even comprehend that. It disturbed the earth's rotation for God's sake. Plus the economic hardship this is going to place on the countries affected is going to be unbelievable. I guess the Red Cross would be the best place to send guilt-ridden donations? My parents and most of my friends' parents grew up in Third World, Southeast Asian countries. It's pretty much by the grace of well, immigration, that we're all nice and cozy here.

Now would be a good time for some of those politically outspoken celebrities (Alec Baldwin, Sean Penn, Madonna, Barbra Streisand, Ben Affleck, Chevy Chase, Whoopie Goldberg to name a few) to open their wallets and part with some of those millions. It would do a lot towards giving them some sort of credibility, so that the next time they offer an opinion on what's best for the "common man" people might actually listen.

2. It was a bittersweet weekend for football. Reggie White passes away at the young age of 43 and Payton Manning breaks a 20-year record. And the Raiders once again lose in the last minute by a field goal. Okay so no one cares about that last one except me and a bunch of people in Oakland. My dad told me a funny story the other day. He was at a Lakers game a couple years ago, rooting against the Lakers (I love my dad, sportswise the apple doesn't fall far from the tree) when a bunch of people started yelling at him. He thought they were really angry at him but it turns out they were just cheering the fact that he was wearing a Raiders sweatshirt. He says he doesn't want to wear the sweatshirt anymore, because Raiders fans are crazy. I told him to send it to me. You gotta love the Raider Nation. Okay you don't. We don't care anyway.

By the way, the two sports Americans hate the most are golf and women's professional basketball. Heh. Let me sit here and giggle over that one for a bit, while I remember the weekly 70+ hours of unpaid overtime and the managers who left at 5 on the dot. I do feel bad for the guy that runs the WNBA public relations department now, he's a pretty nice guy.

3. Last night I read the book Aud got me for Christmas, Mirror Mirror by Gregory Maguire. It wasn't as good as Wicked but I liked it better than Confessions of An Ugly Stepsister. Overall a good read. I'll post a review of it soon. Okay I don't know about the "soon" part but I'll add it to my blog list of things to do.

4. I just watched a trailer for Charlie and The Chocolate Factory and I will definitely be seeing Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka in my nightmares. How disgustingly creepy is he in that trailer? I mean Gene Wilder wasn't exactly teddy bear material in the original, but at least he didn't cause you to sleep with a nightlight and jump at small noises. I also went digging for news about the 4th Harry Potter movie and came up with this photo that kind of made me go ughhhh. Is it me or is the guy that plays Ron Weasley not handling puberty very well.

5. I was typing a post recently and typed "loose" instead of "lose." I was aghast and muttering "no no no" as I hit the backspace key frantically. I hate Aud. This is her fucking fault. She's the one that attracts these people to her site, who don't know the difference between "loose" and "lose." Which isn't so bad in itself, but they also try and lecture her using fake words, in a meager attempt to sound educated. News flash, using fake words only serves to confirm your stupidity. Unless of course, they're the kind of fake words we like.

Good Fake Words
Webspionage - Reading someone's blog that you don't care about, just to gather information for nefarious purposes.
Wepisode - A blog post concerning a stupidly dramatic situation
Furiousity - If when someone is curious they have curiousity, then when they're furious, they should have...
Crats - Rats the size of cats. These are indigenous to Jersey City, most especially around Society Hill or the piers.

Bad Fake Words

We make fun of "loose" and "interpretate" so much it would serve us right if we accidentally used it in a job interview or something. I would keel over from disgust. Also, we're all fans of proper vocabulary but... just say you are using the paper towel to wipe up cat piss, not "utilizing" it... okay?


Blog ho said...

I always flub loose and lose. it's very embarrassing when you tell someone that you're as lose as they come. And how many years will it take to learn how embarrassing is spelled?

Definitely creepy Willy Wonka. I must be the only person in the world who thinks Tim Burton is a looser ;) I mean, Nightmare Before Xmas? I hated that movie. James and the Giant Peach? *yawn* Edward Scissorhands was ok, though.

Riss said...

I always spell vaccuum wrong. I don't even know if that was right. But no more flubbing "lose" Blog Ho or the Succubus won't visit you anymore.

I'm not a huge Tim Burton fan either. I think his mind is just a couple dead bodies throw from serial killer.

Rosario said...

I usually spell 'rectory' right, but I always feel like using it in the wrong context. That as totally off topic, but it don't mattuh ("mattuh" spelled correctly)

Rosario said...

Bad fake phrase"For all intensive purposes"

Blog ho said...

Also choose and chose. I'd ban those two words if I could. But rectory! Now there's a fancy word.

Rosario said...

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