December 18, 2001

Those New-Fangled Quarters

Those New-Fangled Quarters

I recently gathered and set aside a handful of those commemorative state quarters, because I felt like my flagrant use of quarters wasn`t adequately respecting what the U.S. mint was trying to commemorate. I was very serious about this, I was planning to head on over to B. Dalton after work (yes they still have those, but only in Iowa, Idaho and Jersey City) and pick up one of those nifty quarter-holder books. But then today I really wanted some Junior Mints from my company`s vending machine so I decided to pick the most highly rotated ones to help me attain the coveted resident of B6. My stomach and I are indebted to you: Connecticut, New Hampshire and Delaware. (Actually, later I wanted water because damn Junior Mints are sweet as hell so there went Pennsylvania and Kentucky.)

Crazy Dream
I had a bizarre dream last night that I was in some Dunkin Donuts warehouse/corporate office pilfering pastries. Being a complete proponent and shareholder of Krispy Kreme (not really) I don't even go to Dunkin Donuts, yet I spent about three hours in dream-time running around their mega-office. I don't even think Dunkin Donuts makes loaves of french bread or pink swirled angel food cake but there I was, stealing them. I know the only reason I had the dream was because my mind was inundated with numerous DD commercials all throughout Buffy. It kind of irks me that their annoying marketing efforts were so successful. A place I never patron entered and habitated within my subconcious for a whole night. Anyway, so my sister Leah and my Dad say that according to psychology reports that no one except them read, dreams only last approximately 6 minutes. I always thought they were like an hour long, there are movies in theatres right now shorter than some dreams I've had. Maybe my long dreams are just 20 short dreams that contain the same characters, are set in the same place and develop in a sequential timeline so I think they're the same dream...

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