January 4, 2002

All Things Great and Small

All Things Great and Small
Last night I walked into my apartment and was immediately overcome with absolute guilt. We had a mouse problem before so we put out this sticky trap and now this cute little gray mouse was stuck. I felt so bad I put on gloves and took the trap downstairs where for 15 minutes (in my pajamas in the freezing cold) I tried to work his foot free of the glue. But he kept squealing and thrashing around so I stopped because I didn't want his face to end up in the glue. So I leave the trap by the front door and call George to let him know he had some animal safety business to take care of at home. I hear the front door open then shut and 5 minutes later hear George's car pull up. He had driven up and seen our neighbor Brian on his hands and knees outside trying to free the mouse too. Luckily George was able to free it so my guilt could disappear (by that time I was swearing to God never even to look at the mouse trap aisle at K-mart). Hooray!!!

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