August 12, 2004


(On the phone just now)

Kwame: I'm totally feeling you on the Toys R' Us thing.
Me: I know!!!
Kwame: That is sad. Forget gays and marriage, is *nothing* sacred??
Me: Yeah forget turning churches into condos, is NOTHING sacred??
Kwame: Seriously.
Me: Every time we go there we get lost. It's never just 2 minutes to grab diapers.
Kwame: I know, I'm all over the store and Kesha goes into the stuffed animal department and doesn't want to come out. She always picks something up and looks at me like she wants to ask for it but is afraid to.
Me: I do that too. The same look we gave our parents when we were kids. The last time we were there I walked in for formula and walked out with an Asian My Scene Barbie (she even had purple eyes and a lilac dress like one I have) and got a deep red Barbie convertible with leopard-print fur seats for free.
Kwame: Dude that's totally Riss.
Me: I know!!! I'm bummed because I was looking forward to taking my girls there. We're going to have to trek all the way into the city to FAO.
Kwame: FAO's too pretentious.
Me: Yeah but KB is too small. The whole fun of it is that it's this enormous store full of toys.
Kwame: I remember when I was a kid, my mom would drag me to all sorts of stores and I'd have to spend like 4 hours in the women's clothing section. But then she'd say "I'll take you to Toys R' Us after" and it's like all that time was negated.
Me: Yeah.. it was fun just going there, even if you couldn't get what you wanted. Like I knew my parents weren't going to spend $130 on a dollhouse or anything but it was fun to go there and just look at it.
Kwame: And you'd point at things and say "I want that for Christmas" and your parents would nod but later on you still wouldn't get it.
Me: But you wouldn't care anyways because it was fun just being there.

*momentary silence as we reflect on the past*

Kwame: Okay we have to start a petition.
Me: Yeah, screw the whales, we need to save Toys R Us.
Kwame: Yeah they're extinct for a reason.
Me: You never saw Toys R' Us eat anyone. You never saw Toys R' Us eat a dolphin.
Kwame: Exactly.

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