August 23, 2004

Saturday and Sunday

Saturday and Sunday

I have no idea what Geo and I did on Saturday. Oh wait, I remember. We went to my friend's daughter's birthday party in Long Island. Cute kid, good food, good cake, good company. Fine way to spend a stormy Saturday afternoon. Afterwards we went to my aunt's house in Queens for dinner. Good food, no cake, good company. And then we went home to sleep because we fricken got in at 6am that day, then left at noon.

Yesterday we hit up the Philippine Fiesta 2004 thingy they have every year at the Meadowlands Exposition Center. Every year for the last 5 years, I've seen the ads for this event and said "Oooh I want to go to that." And every year I forget about it. Not this year. But I so wish I had. What a waste of money. What a big fat enormous gargantuan waste of money. I couldn't have wasted my money more if I burned it then flushed the ashes down the toilet. If you're Filipino and you live in the tri-state area, never ever ever ever ever ever ever go to this. EVER. There, I've done my good deed for the day. The event had a lot of possibilities, but in the end poor organization and greed ruined its potential to be decent.

First off, the entry fee was 15 fucking dollars. FIFTEEN FUCKING DOLLARS. But fine, to fulfill a 5-year-long desire we shell it out. The moment we walk in I'm appalled. Not only is it ghetto as hell, a crappy sound system is pushing out music at like a jillion decibels. Most of the exhibitors are random companies passing out flyers and there are only a few stores, because the exhibition fee was a grand. We pay $5 for a cantaloupe shake that was okay but had about three tablespoons of sugar at the bottom. We shell out another 8 bucks for a combo meal that was decent, until Mike J told us he didn't get any of the rice because he saw some guy pick his nose then reach into the rice tray to sample the rice. Then we pay out another $6 for a halo-halo shake that was almost worth half the price because it was pretty good.

In between all this horrific purchasing of overpriced food and beverages, they had a singing competition. We thought it would be over after they awarded the trophies but more people came on and started singing. Geo just turned around and left, after an ultra annoyed "They need to stop with the live singing performances, these people suck." We wandered around for awhile, trying to find a wife for Mike. But that didn't work out because most of the females there were either over the age of 60 or under the age of 16. We were standing around, trying to figure out what to do (I didn't want to use the restroom at the expo center because ICK, nastiness) when a table about ten feet away came crashing down, spilling about $100 worth of food everywhere. We figured it wasn't going to get better than that, so we bounced.

It's nice to support your peoples and all but not when they're robbing you blind and making you listen to things that make you want to cut your ears off. At least we got to see a couple of the traditional Filipino dances. Traditional Filipino dances are amazing to watch. In college, I used to love it when our Pagkakaisa dance troupe performed. They need to eliminate the singing competition and pageant at the Fiesta and just have those dancers all day. They rock. I didn't get to see them perform the tinikling or pandanggo dances though, which are my favorites. Sadness!! And we didn't even find Mike a wife!!!

My favorite weekend quote from Mike:
"Are you sure these people aren't Jewish? I just paid $3 for a can of Sprite."

My favorite weekend quote from myself:
(In response to Geo saying Tony wasn't going because he wanted to go bowling)
: "Duh, that's right. He wants to marry a white girl. Why would he want to go to this thing."

My favorite weekend quote from Geo:
(In response to someone who said their daughter said she never wanted to get married):
"That's because no guy wants to marry your daughter."

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