January 10, 2006

Random Stuff

Random Stuff

1. The games this past weekend were just painful to watch. But during the Redskins game I heard this gem: "Brunell to Portis and he gets laid.............. down uh, hard." Hee.

Geo: You know who my favorite QB is now? Tom Brady.
Tony: What???
Geo: Just kidding.
Tony: I was about to smack you.
Me: I was about to step over you to smack him.

2. I accidentally vacuumed up a baby mouse the other day. I was pushing around the little dustbuster when something got jammed so I turned it off. Then this little baby mouse came flying out and landed on its back. I probably could have vacuumed it back up again while it was flailing around in terror but I was too surprised. Sucks. Now that thing is going to grow up and spawn 10 more mice, which are going to grow up and spawn 100 more. You know how people always say there's no point in re-inventing the wheel? I think it'd be good to re-invent the mousetrap. None of mine work. The glue traps just sit there until one of us brushes up against it and the mice seem wise to the snap traps. Either that or I need to have dumber mice. My father-in-law catches like 8 with one trap.

3. I had a dream on Saturday night that my friend Ant was on some sitcom about lumberjacks. Half the show was set like when Mr. Rogers would send viewers off to the Land of Make Believe. Afterwards, me and Lani were sitting at a bar set at the edge of an ice rink. The drinks were served through a hole under the counter (too many glory hole jokes) and there were ice skating performances going on. Half the solo performances were by guys that did some sort of hip-hop ice-dancing thing. It may seem like a weird dream but it's the norm for me. My brain has a ball when I can't control it.

Oh and the dream which was kind of appended to that one consisted of me being at a choir performance without the proper sheet music. So I was at this music hall filled with thousands of people and I was frantically searching through the deserted rehearsal area for the proper sheet music. Meanwhile, one of my dream friends, some little 10-year-old Spanish kid decided he wanted to run the performance and have people sing with "more flava." It was like Honey meets the Ice Capades meets The Sound of Music meets where-the-fuck-is-my-sheet-music.

4. And the dream I had last night consisted of me and Geo trying to escape some rabid Hells Angels types. I was on a bright yellow Ducati and he was following me in our car, with the twins strapped into their carseats. At one point he jumped on another yellow Ducati that materialized out of nowhere while my aunt and uncle from Queens drove our car (flying over us). It was very bizarre, we rode indoors and outdoors, by rivers, in caves and at one point I'm pretty sure there were fairies around. Note to self, stop dropping acid at night.

5. It'd be cool to have a domain name but I'm not creative enough to think of one that fits.

6. I've been craving those "Turkish Delights" (Fruit Delights) that I decided to buy after watching The Chronicles of Narnia. My thrifty heart was pounding at the thought that since their popularity is seasonal, they might be on sale at Target. Nope. Couldn't find them at Walmart either. I even checked Marshall's, though their cute country foods section is like 1/10th of an aisle big. They're pretty gross but I really really want them. Not for 14 bucks a box though. I paid $4 for the first one.

7. Why do people always want entertainment to be realistic? I think realism is overrated. Who wants to watch a fucking movie about work performance evaluations, high energy bills, car theft and whether or not the new microwave can wait until the next paycheck. I would rather watch a movie where the good guys always stop the bomb in time, the home team wins, miracle cures are found in magic gardens and the lovebirds always sail happily off into the sunset.

"Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line!!! MUHAHAHA--"


Wasn't that fun?

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