March 20, 2006

24: Hour Fourteen

24: Hour Fourteen

1. Doesn't Homeland Security know that it doesn't matter if 99% of CTU is dead. As long as Jack Bauer is still alive there's always a chance. Oh and Chloe or a Chloe-like programmer.

2. They just keep finding new ways to make President Logan seem even more dumb and even more naive than previously thought. "Hal's only motivation is what's good for the country. Also, I'm now the proud owner of the Brooklyn Bridge." Sometimes I wish for comedic moments during the show. Like how great would it have been if during the President's speech declaring martial law in Los Angeles, the First Lady ran over to the teleprompter and unplugged it.

3. I foresee some great moments between Chloe and the new guy she dumped coffee all over.

4. The German agent shouldn't have said "I'm here by the permission of your government, you can't touch me" to Jack Bauer. That's like smearing yourself in chocolate and running by Jenny Craig. Or coating yourself with crack and skipping by a crackhouse.

5. It's great the way Curtis and Jack are still sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G even though Jack put Curtis in a sleeper hold earlier in the day, then left his unconscious ass on some sidewalk.

6. Chloe really is the Jack Bauer of hacking. It's a pretty big compliment that Jack just tells her to do what she has to, and he's confident it will get done.

7. "The Wet List" sounds more like a rating of the best pron stars in the country, versus the most important anti-terrorist document in the free world. Also, I think it's harder to return something at Target than it was to get ahold of it.

8. When the "information broker" told the bank to e-mail her the confirmation, I pictured them sending a message to "" or ""

9. Despite my deep desire to see Audrey get interrogated by Jack a la Paul Raines (which she watched) I do think she's being set up. Also, I know it's just a show obviously but nepotism is a Washington staple. Shouldn't the Secretary of Defense's daughter (or former Secretary) have some sort of pull? She has about as much political mojo as Kim Bauer.

10. Next week on 24... "Is Wayne Palmer gonna have to smack a bitch??" Okay I know the preview doesn't show him with any hookers but it still went through my head.

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