August 29, 2004

Weekend Roundup

So the last of the smelly people in our house has been transformed. Aud and I finally bathed (no not together you pervs) and Geo took a shower too. While he was in the shower, Aud came running over and said she had to pee really bad but that the bathroom was locked. I told her to knock on the door and just ask Geo to unlock it before climbing back into the shower. They could both promise not to look. I went in a minute later to grab a gratuitous peek at my husband and Aud starts laughing her ass off. Geo is in the shower, I'm peeping at him through the curtains and Aud is on the toilet, asking what Geo's doing. Yes, we're adults.

So on Saturday Girlie, Mike J, Abel and Tony came over. Add them to Aud, who showed up at our house on Tuesday for a visit and ended up vacationing in Jersey City, it was like a godparents convention. Girlie brought homemade spaghetti carbonara which was really really really really really good. I can't stress enough how good it was. It was that kind of good where you eat so much so fast but keep eating even though you feel like exploding because it's just so damn good. I housed it even though it has peas, and you all know how I feel about peas (peas are an abomination.)

We watched some of the Olympic events on one TV, while Geo played SOCOM on the other. We have two 19-inch televisions side by side in our living room. I call it ghetto picture in picture. Usually though only one is on, because the other one is just for Geo's video games. And porn. Just kidding, we don't watch porn in the living room. That's like going to a dinner party and using the wrong fork. Savages.

Faith is pretty tricksy. She grabbed her Daddy's Playstation controller and fiddled with the buttons. Turns out she entered special cheat codes somehow and the boxers onscreen became midgets with big heads. I guess she wanted to see boxers as small as her. She's like two feet tall though. The midget boxers were like three feet tall.

Everyone thought it was hysterical to ruin the last American medal ceremony for me. They know I get all misty during these cermeonies and I was sad that this might be the last one I see until the winter games in Torino in 2006. So while they're panning the athletes faces the peanut gallery behind me is adding dialogue. They panned over one guy and Geo said the guy was thinking "Do I look like Jesus??" Okay I can be annoyed and laugh at the same time. Because damn that was funny, the guy did look like Jesus. I don't think he won the gold though. That sucks. The Son of God comes all the way down to earth and he has to go back to heaven with the bronze.

Abel took off early because he was sleepy as hell but everyone else stuck around for some poker. After the Olympics I distributed my beautiful poker chips that are heavy just like the ones in the casino, and played some Texas Hold 'Em. I really love that game. I get all excited when I'm channeling and The World Series of Poker or Celebrity Poker is on. While we played, we turned on the karaoke machine and sang a few. The rule was, you get to choose the song for the person next to you, who then gets to choose the song for the person next to him or her. It was really fun watching Tony sing a Whitney Houston song and trying to hit the high notes. But it was even more fun watching Aud sing "Hava Nagila." "Uru, uru achim uru achim belev sameach!!!" Oh man that was the best. Aud sings it even better than Mike J does, and he's the one who's actually Jewish. It's just funny because she's half-Puerto Rican and half-Filipino but she knows how to sing Hava Nagila like she grew up listening to it at her cousins' Bar Mitzvahs. Since then the song has been stuck in my head. People probably think it's weird when they pass me, some random Asian chic, on the street and I'm muttersinging "Hava neranena" to myself.

Aud snuck off to one of the bedrooms pretending she was just going to take a nap and Tony and Girlie passed out on the floor. So Mike J and I played a few hands of pusoy dos and then got into a loud argument about gin, rummy and tongits that woke up everyone else. After that we officially decided to call it a night and go to sleep. Girlie wanted to make the two-hour drive home but we ganged up on her and stranded her at my house since she couldn't leave without her purse and phone. I don't know how she found her purse later. I think I stuffed it behind then under my couch.

On Sunday we just ate a whole lot. I need to start riding my exercise bike again or doing pilates or something because I've been lazy as hell since Aud got here. I think we each give off some chemical that when it reacts with the other, makes that person lazy as hell.

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