October 25, 2004

Life's Checklist

Life's Checklist
(Stolen with impunity off some other person's site)

I have a few posts in the queue but didn't feel like writing tonight. Geo and I have this deal where he watches the kids for a couple of hours every night and I write my book. If I do 10 pages a day it'll be done in a month. Problem is, 10 pages a day of non-fiction writing takes about an hour and a half and little thought at all. 10 pages a day of fiction writing will take about double that and a hell of a lot more thought. And at the end of the day, my brain is mush. The kiddos are great but they require more vigilance than a barbeque in a barn (or my living room.) I should post up a countdown on this site and let people yell at me for my literary laziness.

So, instead of writing anything productive, I took a bunch of random Quizilla quizzes (might I say there are a disproportionate amount of crazy people on there) and stole some checklist of life off another site, then edited it. Voila:

01. Bought everyone in the bar a drink (Done)
02. Swam with wild dolphins (Swam in the same place but they weren't near me or anything)
03. Climbed a mountain (Done)
04. Taken a Lamborghini for a test drive (Would like to)
05. Been inside the Great Pyramid (No interest, ancient Egypt scares the hell out of me)
06. Held a tarantula (Done but didn't want to)
07. Taken a candlelit bath with someone (Done)
08. Said 'I love you' and meant it (Done)
09. Hugged a tree (Done, oddly enough, but hey I went to college in Santa Cruz)
10. Done a striptease (Done)
11. Bungee jumped (No interest)
12. Visited Paris (Done)
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea (Done, although technically the boat was already pulling into the harbor by the time the storm got crazy)
14. Stayed up all night long, and watch the sun rise (Done)
15. Seen the Northern Lights (Would like to)
16. Gone to a huge sports game (Done)
17. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa (Done)
18. Grown and eaten your own vegetables (Done, but I was in 6th grade at the time)
19. Touched an iceberg (No interest, I've seen Titanic)
20. Slept under the stars (Done, on top of a houseboat even)
21. Changed a baby's diaper (Done, changed two about three minutes ago in fact)
22. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon (No interest)
23. Watched a meteor shower (Done)
24. Gotten drunk on champagne (Done)
25. Given more than you can afford to charity (Done)
26. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope (Done)
27. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment (Done)
28. Had a food fight (Done)
29. Bet on a winning horse (Done)
30. Taken a sick day when you're not ill (Done)
31. Asked out a stranger (Done)
32. Had a snowball fight (Done)
33. Photocopied your bottom on the office photocopier (Done)
34. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can (Done)
35. Held a lamb (Done)
36. Enacted a favorite fantasy (Done)
37. Taken a midnight skinny dip (Done)
38. Taken an ice cold bath (Done)
39. Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar (Done)
40. Seen a total eclipse (Done)
41. Ridden a roller coaster (Done)
42. Hit a home run (Done)
43. Fit three weeks miraculously into three days (Done)
44. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking (Done)
45. Adopted an accent for an entire day (Done)
46. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors (Done for the Philippines, would like to for China))
47. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment (Every day)
48. Had two hard drives for your computer (Done)
49. Visited all 50 states (I think I'm at like 28. Wouldn't mind hitting all 50.)
50. Loved your job for all accounts (Done, the one I have right now)
51. Taken care of someone who was shit faced (Done to the nth power, and let me tell you, you've never been a real friend until you've cleaned up their cream-of-corn vomit off black silk sheets. Or held a plastic bag for someone so they could vomit into it without leaving the bed.)
52. Had enough money to be truly satisfied (Would like to, a nice house in a good area and a solid college fund for all my kids and I'd be satisfied.)
53. Had amazing friends (DONE, you guys rock.)
54. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country (Done)
55. Watched wild whales (Done)
56. Stolen a sign (Done)
57. Backpacked in Europe (Used to want to but now that I have kids I'd like hotel rooms in cute inns like when I went with my family)
58. Taken a road-trip and had no idea where you're going (Done)
59. Rock climbing (No interest, I saw Cliffhanger)
60. Crossed the English Channel (Done)
61. Midnight walk on the beach (Done)
62. Sky diving (NO INTEREST)
63. Visited Ireland (Would like to)
64. Been heartbroken longer then you were actually in love (Done)
65. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them (Done)
66. Visited Japan (Done)
67. Benchpressed your own weight (No interest)
68. Milked a cow (Done)
69. Alphabetized your CDs (Done, OCD remember... my DVDs are alphabetized)
70. Pretended to be a superhero (Done)
71. Sung karaoke (Done)
72. Lounged around in bed all day (Done)
73. Posed nude in front of strangers (No interest)
74. Scuba diving (Would like to)
75. Got it on to "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye (Done)
76. Kissed in the rain (Done)
77. Played in the mud (Done)
78. Went swimming in the rain (Done)
79. Gone to a drive-in theater (Would like to)
80. Done something you should regret, but don't regret it (Done)
81. Visited the Great Wall of China (Would like to)
82. Discovered that someone who's not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog (Done)
83. Had sex in a public place (Done)
84. Started a business (I want my own florist shop/bookstore)
85. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken (Done)
86. Toured ancient sites (Done)
87. Taken a martial arts class (Done)
88. Swordfought for the honor of a woman (What kind of idiot question is this)
89. Driven up the Pacific Coast Highway (Done)
90. Gotten married (Done)
91. Been in a movie (Been an extra a couple times, no idea if I ended up on the cutting room floor)
92. Crashed a party (Done)
93. Loved someone more than yourself (Done)
94. Kissed someone so passionately it made them dizzy (Done)
95. Gotten divorced (Done)
96. Had sex at the office (Done)
97. Gone without food for 5 days (ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME????)
98. Made cookies from scratch (Would like to)
99. Won first prize in a costume contest (Took second once)
100. Ridden a gondola in Venice (Done)
101. Gotten a tattoo - (Done, I have 3)
102. Found that the texture of some materials can turn you on (Done)
103. Rafted the Snake River (Um, where?)
104. Been on television news programs as an "expert" (Not yet)
105. Got flowers for no reason (Done)
106. Masturbated in a public place (Done)
107. Got so drunk you don't remember anything (Once, Geo had to tell me about my antics the next day and damn were they funny. Poor Sponge Bob.)
108. Been addicted to some form of illegal drug (Nope)
109. Performed on stage in front of hundreds of people (Done)
110. Gambled in Las Vegas (Done)
111. Recorded music (Done, but it was one of those go to the studio and pay 8 dollars to sing a song things)
112. Eaten shark (Done)
113. Bought something disgustingly expensive and not had buyer's remorse (Done)
114. Gone to Thailand (Not yet)
115. Seen your favorite band live in concert (Done, Aerosmith, twice)
116. Bought a house (Would like to)
117. Been in a combat zone (No interest)
118. Waltzed the night away (Done)
119. Shaved or waxed your pubic hair off (Done)
120. Been on a cruise ship (I've been on one but it didn't go anywhere)
121. Spoken more than one language fluently (Done)
122. Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone (Done)
123. Bounced a check (Done)
124. Performed in Rocky Horror (Not yet)
125. Read - and understood - your credit report (Done)
126. Raised children (Doing)
127. Recently bought and played with a favorite childhood toy (Done)
128. Punched someone in the face (Done)
129. Created and named your own constellation of stars (Um, no)
130. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country (No interest)
131. Found out something significant that your ancestors did (My great-grandfather had 3 wives and 21 children)
132. Called or written your Congressperson (Done)
133. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over (Done)
134. Shaved your head or cut your hair more than 10 inches (Done)
135. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge (Done... I think. I was drunk and we may have just gone halfway and turned around)
136. Sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was looking (I sing louder)
137. Played strip-poker (Done)
138. Had plastic surgery (No interest)
139. Survived an accident that you shouldn't have survived. (No interest)
140. Wrote articles for a large publication (Not yet)
141. Lost over 100 pounds (Then I'd weigh 8 lbs)
142. Jumped off a boat into the ocean (Done, and off a cliff into a lagoon while in the Philippines)
143. Piloted an airplane (No interest)
144. Petted a stingray (No interest are you nuts)
145. Broken someone's heart (Done, but never on purpose)
146. Helped an animal give birth (Does myself count?)
147. Been fired or laid off from a job (Done... DAMN YOU AMERITRADE MAY YOU BURN IN HELL)
148. Won money on a T.V. game show (No interest)
149. Broken a bone (No interest)
150. Cooked dinner for more than 5 people by yourself (Done)
151. Gone on an African photo safari (Might like to)
152. Ridden a motorcycle (Done)
153. Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100mph (Done)
154. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced (NO INTEREST... ouch)
155. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol (Done)
156. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild (Done)
157. Ridden a horse (Done)
158. Had major surgery (I've only had a Caesarean section done)
159. Joined the mile high club (Sorry, airplane bathrooms are gross)
160. Had a snake as a pet (Not yet)
161. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon (No, just kind of lingered at the top and near the middle)
162. Slept through an entire flight: takeoff, flight, and landing (Done, thanks to my trusty friend Jack Daniels)
163. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours (Done)
164. Visited more foreign countries than Australian states (Done)
165. Visited all 7 continents (Not yet)
166. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days (No interest)
167. Eaten kangaroo meat (Puke)
168. Played in a sports tournament (Done)
169. Been a sperm or egg donor (No interest)
170. Eaten sushi (Done)
171. Had your picture in the newspaper (Does a Japanese basketball magazine count)
172. Had 2 (or more) healthy romantic relationships for over a year in your lifetime (Done)
173. Changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about (Done)
174. Gotten someone fired for their actions (Done)
175. Gone back to school (Started to get my MBA then realized I didn't want it)
176. Parasailed (Not yet)
177. Changed your name (Done)
178. Petted a cockroach (Done but I was like 5)
179. Eaten fried green tomatoes (Done)
180. Read The Iliad (Done)
181. Jumped a really high fence (Done)
182. Dined in a restaurant and stolen silverware, plates, cups because your apartment needed them (Done, this is a rite of passage in college)
183. ...and gotten 86'ed from the restaurant because you did it so many times, they figured out it was you (Nope, I'm stealthy)
184. Taught yourself an art from scratch (Done... okay no. Scrapbooking isn't exactly an art.)
185. Killed and prepared an animal for eating (No interest. My grandmother tried to get me to chop a chicken's head off once and I asked her if the chicken would still be considered fresh if my puke was all over it.)
186. Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt (Done)
187. Skipped all your school reunions (Done)
188. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language (Done)
189. Been elected to public office (Not yet)
190. Written your own computer language (Yeah okay, I'm capable of doing this)
191. Ran a marathon (No interest and no capability)
192. Gone on a hayride (Done)
193. Crossed a log over a river (Done)
194. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you (You mean my stick figure drawings?)
195. Had a moment of profound faith (Done)
196: Dyed your hair (Done)
197: Been a DJ (For about 5 minutes)
198: Gone to the opera (Done)
199: Kissed a stranger (Done)
200: Been arrested (Done)

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