November 10, 2004



I have nothing to say right now. I am not doing that stellar on the whole creativity thing right this moment. Obviously I'm kicking butt on the whole write-a-130-page-short-novel-in-30-days thing, and not procrastinating at all. No really. I'm not. Hold on while I sort my shoes according to style and color. Hey, a pop-up. Let's see what they're trying to sell me. Again, not procrastinating at all.

Back to my writer's block, I don't even have one of those e-mail survey form things to post up as a filler post. I suppose I could browse around my friends' weblogs and see if there are any forms to steal and post up. Be right back.

Okay I'm back. With a survey post that Kat put on her blog because she was feeling too lazy to write a real post. Thanks in advance Kat!!

General Info

    * Birthplace: Queens, New York
    * Hometown: Los Angeles
    * Current Location: Jersey
    * Right handed or Left handed: Right
    * Most overused phrase/word: Fuck, ass, random, like it's nobody's business
    * First thoughts upon waking up: Little girl, stop slapping my face.
    * Best physical features: My elbows were MADE for sex.
    * Usual bedtime: Too fucking late.
    * Most missed memory: College
    * Pepsi or Coke: Coke. Pepsi is like liquid crack flavored with Splenda.
    * McDonald's or Burger King: Mickey Ds. Favorites include Bacon McGriddles, chicken nuggets with Spicy Buffalo sauce and their french fries fried in meat-flavored lard.
    * Single or group dates: Single. What the hell is a group date, like an orgy?
    * Lipton Iced Tea or Nestea: Lipton
    * Your perfect pizza: Spinach, artichoke and ricotta white pizza.

Do you...

    * Smoke: One or two cigs a day. But I'm quitting. No seriously. No really.
    * Sing: Yeap.
    * Take a shower everyday: What is this "shower" you speak of?
    * LIKE high school: Yeap. I played tennis before school, at lunch and for 4 hours after school. Fun.
    * Want to get married: Again? No, then I'd be Ross on Friends.
    * Believe in yourself: You're goddamn right I do.
    * Get motion sickness: Only when I'm drunk and in the backseat of a car. Wait, that didn't come out right. I didn't mean it THAT way you perverts. PERVERTS!!
    * Think you're attractive: Yeap. Except when I haven't worked out in months and spend every day stuffing my face with fried foods and pastries. Then I'm like "Get off the couch and work out you fucking french-fried, water-retaining monster." And then Monster Me is like "No!! YOU go fucking work out, you fucking exercise Nazi." And then we go back and forth until we're too tired to work out. So I WIN!!!!!!
    * Think you're a health freak: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA hold on, I can't stop laughing.
    * Get along with your parents: Absolutely. My parents rock. I was as infuriating growing up as I am now. And yet they never killed me. Do you know how much patience that must have taken? Job would have killed me. My parents rock.
    * Like thunderstorms: As long as me and everyone I love are indoors and not on the road.
    * Play an instrument: Piano for 13 years. Played the french horn in the orchestra during junior high. Played the guitar during my headbanger high school days, not that I remember a single chord. I do remember that my favorite thing to play was the guitar intro for Motley Crue's Too Fast For Love.

In the past month have you...

    * Drank alcohol: Who are you talking to. I'm drinking right now. Just kidding. I'M KIDDING you fucknuts!!
    * Gone on a date?: Nope. Unless you count the time Mike and Aud babysat for us so we could play dodgeball, but it was canceled so we went to Walmart instead.
    * Gone to the mall: Yeap.
    * Eaten sushi: Yeap.
    * Been on stage: Well the "stage" at some random bar with karaoke.
    * Been dumped: Please.
    * Gone skating: Nope.
    * Shoplifted: Well technically, I still pilfer candy from the candy bin every time I'm in a grocery store. I'm a great parental influence. "Don't steal." "But you just did Mommy." "Yes, but I can afford bail. Can you?"


    * Movie you've watched in the theatre: It was either LOTR: Return of the King or Harry Potter: The Prisoner of Azkaban.
    * Thing/s you've bought: Probably food of some type.
    * Song you've listen to: Faint by Linkin Park.
    * Food you've eaten: Homemade chicken, vegetable and rice soup.
    * Mall you've been to: Riverside Square
    * People you've been with: Geo and the kids.
    * Numbers and Names of Children: My next two children (assuming they're a boy and a girl) will either be named Nicholas or Jordan and Vivian. And if any idiot says some dumbfuck ass comment like "Oh you named your kid after Nicholas Cage" I will do what I always do when people say crap like that about my girls. Give a fake smile and say no, but mentally say "No you fucking idiot, do you not know me at all? Because if you did, you wouldn't have to ask that. And since you don't, you shouldn't be making assumptions, you dumb as rocks, without manners, annoying piece of shit." I wish I weren't an adult. I wish I could say whatever I want to whoever I want whenever I want.
    * Describe your Dream Wedding: A wedding with all my friends and family on a cruise ship. A real cruise ship, not some ghetto ass Dinner-on-the-Hudson one.
    * How do you want to die: Old age.
    * What do you want to be when you grow up: An astronaut. Or a cowboy.

List the number of...

    * Drugs taken illegally: 3 or 4.
    * People I trust with my life: 5. These are people I can trust to pull the trigger and not feel squeamish, if my life was in danger. They'd also not be trying to aim for the leg or something, when some psycho is threatening to snap my neck.
    * CDs that I own: CDs I actually bought at the store? I don't think I have any of those anymore.
    * Piercings: 6
    * Tattoos: 3 (Chinese tribal dragon, sun and 3 stars of Filipino flag on my back, rose on my ankle.)
    * Times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Probably over a hundred? That's what happens when you work in public relations.

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