January 13, 2005

Jersey Journal Article

Above The Fold

The Jersey Journal article I was interviewed for about local bloggers came out today. I got a heads up about it via e-mail, but I already knew something was in the wind. Because in the last month I've been averaging about 100 unique visitors a day, but today at noon there were already 130. Assuming that no one wrote my weblog address on the bathroom wall, I figured the article came out. I wish I could play an audio clip right now. I'd play that old Faster Pussycat song "Got your number off the bathroom wall..." Speaking of which, do you guys know Motley Crue is getting back together? Crap, okay, I'm digressing.

Anyway, I told Geo about it and he went to go get a print copy. Molly said the online version didn't have any pics so I took that to mean that the print version did. I did not take it to mean that Geo would toss THIS into my lap:

And inside is a another pic. Anyone else think this is really funny that I'm on the front page, above the fold?

Q: What do President Bush, Bill Clinton, Martha Stewart, O.J. Simpson and Riss have in common?
A: They've all been above the fold.

Okay, that totally sounds kinky.

Me: Just think, right this moment I'm on empty trains, homeless people are sleeping on me, bird cages are being lined with me, people looking at me while they take a--
Geo: People are laying you down on the kitchen floor, so their dogs can pee on you.
Me: Hey! They have to pay for that. People are sitting on me so their butts won't get dirty, hair is being cut on me...
Geo: Too bad it's not summer, then people would be killing flies with you.
Me: Or mosquitos!! Dude that would totally rock.
Geo: Well it's winter, so they're using you to kill roaches.
Me: Even better!!! If hundreds of roaches were killed with me today, then I would have served a great and noble cause.

Okay, I'm done tooting my own horn (toot toot). I just thought it was amusing to get recognition for sitting around and bs-ing. Now if I could just get some free food out of this, I would be SET!!!


John said...

now you are highly distributed, you'll just have to hog up at least 30 copies of each, and pass them around to family and friends.. lolz..

bullish1974 said...

Exposure to fame inevitably produces psychological disturbance. Can you handle that? :)

Rosario said...

Can I please have a copy?

Rosario said...

Particularly since I'm regular fodder?

Riss said...

B: You mean in addition to my current level of psychological disturbance? :P

Aud: Of course woman, but I'll need payment in the form of cashew tarts.

G. said...

Riss can i please have a copy too??? payment will be in the form of carbonarra

Anonymous said...

That's awesome!! Really cool article but since when do you live on that street?

Mike J

Riss said...

Since well, never.

Blog ho said...

I am so jealous. Not that anyone cares about the blogging community of fucking NE. I'm in a desert. Please send a life raft.

G. said...

AB/BH: you should both come to new jersey/new york. we can give you a tour of all the famous crime scenes!

Riss said...

Only if we can go there too. I want to go to the Stalks of Terror.

Okay not really, fricken children of the corn.