Once upon a time there was a birthday party so five friends (and one random guy Steve brought along that he SAYS is just a friend because Steve SAYS he's not gay, though he was wearing a really, really questionable shirt) hit up the party early and tried to figure out how to pass the time:
They all decided to celebrate by drinking a stupid amount of liquor:
Okay it was just one of them who decided to drink a stupid amount of liquor, cheered on by a new friend she made courtesy of a Wendy's value meal:
But the new friend couldn't hold his liquor and ended up almost drowning in Seagrams Seven:
Until Random Guy aka Alex busted out his handy CPR skills and saved the potato guy's life:
But the other people misunderstood the situation and thought it was open season on the potato guy, and things just went from bad (above) to weird to not as bad to worse:
But the important thing is that the birthday girls had fun (and drank a stupid amount of liquor):
On Friday night we all hit up Vapor on 32nd and Madison for me and Cece's birthday party. We had a good time because the company rocked (despite rolling in kinda late) but the place was wack. For people who don't like to spend a ridiculous amount of money on drinks at a place that is just this shy of ghetto, I suggest you refrain from going there. People were buying us drinks all night so I didn't know how much they cost until I tried to buy Cece a drink right before we left. I ordered two double shots of Hennessy and the bartender poured them then said "Forty-two dollars please." FORTY-TWO DOLLARS?? Apparently each shot alone was $12 but a double was $21. I had severe 9-dollar-silver-dollar-sized-cake flashbacks. I looked at the 20 I had grabbed from Geo, hoping it would somehow magically turn into $42, but luckily our friend Myee and Cece's cousin were there, helpfully shoving money at us. Woot!
Haha WOOT always makes me laugh. My point is, I think we did some major damage to Steve "I'm not gay, just my shirt is" D's credit card (although I'm not taking the blame for the five-in-a-row shots because he wanted to see me do it). But the night effectively canceled out the drinks AND lunch at Modish Cafe AND whatever else that Steve bribed me with to not put a really embarrassing picture of him on my site.
All in all, a good time. By the way, I need a boss like Allan's. I walked up to say hello to him and he introduces the guy next to him by saying "This British prick is my boss." The guy was cool about it, but eventually he got drunk and decided to walk 40 blocks home. I told him he was going to get mugged, flagged a cab down and pushed him into it.
Anyway thanks to all my friends for celebrating and for the loot! Thanks to G, Luke and Steve for the ridiculously huge box of munchies and chocolate, thanks to G for the framed pregnancy portrait of me (you are so talented!!), thanks to Steve for buying me enough liquor to intoxicate Bhutan, thanks to Min for Harrington's Hold 'Em strategy book and Aughra for the Augusten Burroughs memoir, thanks to Kwame for DARTH TATER (hee), thanks to Mike J for the Batman alarm clock (it fricken shoots the Batsignal with the time onto my ceiling), thanks to Tony for the Randy Moss Raiders jersey (WOOT), thanks to Janelle and Manny for the gift card to Borders and thanks to Geo, Mike J and G who got my sister a whole bunch of stuff when I said all I wanted for my birthday was for them to get her something small off her baby registry... then went out and got me presents anyway. You all rock!!!
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