November 3, 2005



The best part of having a blog is that I can talk about whatever topic I want, regardless of how stupid. So today, I would like to take the opportunity to discuss the cult classic Salsa. And by "cult classic" I really mean "lame movie that no one other than Riss likes."

I watched it last night, put my beat-up VHS tape in, that I got from some used CD place in San Jose. There's a scene set in a parking lot, where the guy who plays the main character's best friend is trying to get this girl to leave, but she keeps trying to dance with him. So he gives in with this little turn and gets into a dance um, stance (I don't know the terminology). All I know is that each and every time I've watched this movie, for the last approximately 12 years, the look he gives her gets me a bit heated. No seriously. If I were the chick with him in the movie, that motorcycle wouldn't be the only thing he'd be riding after the take.

The guy is straight out beautiful so out of curiousity I decided to find out what happened to him. On the back of the tape it said his name was Rodney Harvey, and when I googled him I found out he died of a drug overdose in 1998. It's kind of an uncomfortable feeling to actively lust after someone for half an hour, then find out he died seven years ago. Is it disrespectful because they're gone or a perverted tribute to their memory? I assume it's only a necrophilic fantasy if one lusts after them because they KNOW they're dead and not BEFORE they knew they were dead. An important distinction, but either way I was skeeved.

The weird thing is that before I watched Salsa, I turned on the TV and the words "guest starring Balthazar Getty" appeared because the Charmed credits were on. I thought to myself "Whatever happened to that guy?" I didn't really follow all the "teen heart throbs" back when I was a kid, never read Tiger Beat or whatever. I only knew some of their names from my friends' posters. Their bedrooms were covered with people like Trey Ames, Corey Haim, River Phoenix, etc. My room was covered with posters of Bret Michaels, Nikki Sixx, Phil Lewis, Sebastian Bach, Mike Patton and Axl Rose. Although I do admit to liking Christian Slater after I watched Gleaming the Cube.

I was wondering what happens to actors like Balthazar Getty, who don't work that much. Do they get regular jobs to supplement their incomes? Am I going to see Corey Haim at the water cooler? Or maybe they live off their groupies. This is actually why I decided to Google Rodney Harvey. In high school I knew this girl Mayim Bialik who starred in a show called Blossom. I e-mailed her a couple of years ago to see what she had been up to in the years since we'd spoken and found out she was getting her PhD at UCLA. I forget in what, but it was something scary. My brain hurt just contemplating having to read an article on it, much less get a PhD in it. Neuroscience or Neurophysiology I think.

My long ass point is, after googling Rodney Harvey I found out him and Balthazar Getty were best friends. And I coincidentally popped in Salsa right after I saw his name. Weird right.

Made it all the way to the bottom of the post huh? You people deserve a reward:

Here's another video from those crazy Asians. All throughout the last video, I kept wondering what the guy at the computer behind them was doing. He never once turned around. In this one you can see, he's fricken playing Counter-Strike. HAHAHA!!! I love those guys.

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