January 21, 2003

I guess it would be too much to expect that these "human shield" people would actually get hit by mortar shells. Anti-war activists are always fun to converse with because they are firmly entrenched in their beliefs yet have no alternative for war. They seem to think magic beans will miraculously appear and fix everything (I wish I had magic beans to fix all my problems without any type of skirmishes). I have an alternative to war. I say we close all our borders completely to everyone who doesn't have immediate family in the country and just become completely isolationist. No more humanitarian efforts in foreign places, no more trying to help countires like Kuwait, no more sleeping with the enemy for oil, no more doing the dirty work for all the other First World countries too pious to get their hands dirty, no more getting yelled at by the ineffectual United Nations while they whisper what they want us to do in our ears so no one else can hear. Let's just shut it all down and the 5 people left with jobs because the economy will collapse completely can walk 12 miles to work. It might build character.

This Japanese smoking trailer is funny. I miss smoking. I miss smoking a lot. Sometimes I miss smoking so much I feel like I could put my fist through the wall. But then that would piss me off because I'd have to pay for it and I wouldn't be able to calm myself down by smoking.

Just came back from China Buffet in Hazlet. The women servers and hostesses suck of course (see my previous post) but the guys are pretty good. The women like to walk by with full pitchers of water and ignore my half-empty water glass like it's invisible. I ate snow crab legs with butter, egg drop soup, fried shrimp and lychees with vanilla frozen yogurt. YUMMY!!!! I love snow crab legs. I wish I had a big tank full of snow crabs so I could just steam a few every day and eat crab legs all the time.

I was just reading my girl Aud's blog and she's complaining about me and her boyfriend because we said she couldn't get a dog. And we said it snootily like we were better people, because we are. WE aren't allergic to dogs (nyah nyah Audrey) therefore WE can own them and she can't.. *Pause for a moment as I stare at the big L on Audrey's forehead* Incidentally, I'm getting another dog. This one's a purebred Labrador.
His name will be Czar. My Dad said "Why don't you just name him Kaiser" rather sarcastically but I just ignored him because I like the name Czar!! At least I didn't name him Muffy or Scruffy. THAT'S mean. Although those disgustingly ugly little white dogs should have names like that because no one wants to kick a Duke or a Hunter but no one minds kicking a Muffy or a Scruffy. Fine, I'm not set on Czar.

So I just got Reign of Fire on DVD. I'm going to go watch it. I'm not expecting much, it IS a Matthew McConaughey movie after all. But I'll let you know if it's at least worth watching if it's on cable. Okay Geo just started the movie without me. What an impatient prick.