January 21, 2004

The Apprentice: Round Three

The Apprentice: Round Three

1. Bill is kind of cute. He really shouldn't worry his pretty little head over these matters.
2. Why do women always like to have these idiotic grudge talks? They don't work. All that happens is that people find even more reasons to be angry, during the course of the "discussion." Women love that shit though. I think they love it because if they're in the majority, it gives them validation. And you know women are all about reassurance and validation.
3. Sam is really really weird. He should be fired just for wearing that hat.
4. "Come on pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaassee" is a professional negotiation style? Oh God, whatever works.
5. This challenge was not what I thought it was going to be like. I thought they were going to be in some boardroom, negotiating some fake business deal. I didn't know they were going to be in Chinatown negotiating over squid.
6. I really feel for Troy right now, body waxing is a form of torture they use in the seventh layer of hell. By the way, they should have taken a 15 minute subway ride to Queens and gotten a leg wax for 30 bucks.
7. So the men lost... DUH. Now they're sitting around playing the blame game. Did they really think they were going to have a shot at winning? They're GUYS, they should know what the world is like for women. They should remember the last time they were in a bar, when they dropped $80 on drinks for some strange chic who wasn't even that cute, just on the POSSIBILITY that they might get laid.
8. They should have shown more of the chic who bought the golf clubs, since it looked as if most of their savings came from her success. I have no idea how she got that guy to agree to 10% over cost. I'm thinking maybe he just didn't speak English and thought she said she was going to buy 10% of his COATS.
9. I'm a bit surprised that they got rid of Sam, he provided entertainment value. They better not get rid of Omarosa even though the girls despise her as much as the guys despised Sam. If they get rid of her they'll be left with 6 white chics who think and act exactly the same, and a white-washed Asian chic who thinks and acts exactly the same.
10. I really should take a break from this show. These broads have deserved their wins so far (I mean it's not like they're doing anything illegal) but they're just making women look horrible. Please please please can one of them do something professional, instead of "The World's Oldest Profession"-al???? I'm not even going to refer to them as "the women" anymore. It'll just be the men versus The Broads.

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