Today May 16th was me and Geo's first anniversary. He was very secretive about his plans so I didn't know where we were going. He took me to this nice Japanese restaurant called Mt Fuji, that's at the top of this mountain in upstate New York. The entrance to the driveway leading to the top of the mountain has these big red pillars that remind you of Jurassic Park. But without the dinosaurs and the maulings and stuff.
We had a wonderful time!!!! It was the first time we'd been out to dinner alone since before I went into the hospital. We ate sushi, (okay HE ate sushi and I ate California rolls because *ick* raw fish) tempura scallops, shrimp, chicken and vegetables. And lots of edamame which I love. The scallops were so good they like melted on your tongue. Just had to get that in. "It feels so good when it touches your lips!!" Sorry, you know I absolutely cannot resist the gratuitous movie quote opportunity. And of course we ordered a nice bottle of Tuscan wine in a tribute to all our drunken nights when we weren't parents. But of course, trading drunken revelry (and mornings spent praying to the porcelain god) in for two little princesses wasn't a hard thing at all. Actually the reasoning behind it was twofold, we also ordered that particular wine because we still intend to take our honeymoon in Tuscany, only now we'll have two little munchkins along for the ride.
Geo left a card on my pillow last night with a "I wonder what we're going to do tomorrow" theme. He so loves to torment me. Then today he gave me my "real" card (you know, the one with all the mushiness) and my gift. I had no clue what he was going to give me because the first anniversary gift is "supposed" to be made out of paper and I was like what gift can be made out of paper besides money. Well he got me......
Wait for it....
TICKETS TO SEE AEROSMITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo-hoo we're going in June!! I'm so excited!!! We went to see them two years ago at Jones Beach and it rocked. He also printed up a pic we took tonight and put in in the picture frame we used as a placecard at our wedding. All in all a really sweet, wonderful, wonderful, romantic night. Geo is amazing. I absolutely adore this man. He should teach a class on how to be the best husband and father ever. He would make a lot of money.
No comments on the hoochie dress please. Geo chose it and I figured since it was as much his occasion as it was mine, I should wear it. I didn't let him pick anything else for me to wear though because the last time I let him do that we ended up pregnant with twins.
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