Yet More Random Thoughts
1. There are some words/phrases that Geo and I enjoy saying for some bizarre reason:
"dooooooot cooooooom" (sung like the Expedia commercial)
"Sharkbait ooh haa ha" (like in Finding Nemo)
"Escapee" (as in es-ca-pay like in Finding Nemo)
"Chupacabra" (as in the mythical creature from Puerto Rico/Mexico)
I don't know why we like to say these things so much but we can pretty much work them into any and every conversation.
Geo: Did you take a bite of my sandwich?
Me: No.
Geo: Then who did?
Me: The Chupacabra.
Geo: So you did eat it.
Me (leaving the room): "Es-ca-pay... that's funny, it's spelled just like 'Escape!'"
2. I need to cut my hair, it almost reaches my ass. That could be potentially disastrous when using the bathroom.
3. Bacon wins my Most ingenious Packaging Award. It's packaged so that only the side of each slice is displayed, the side with what little meat bacon has. Then the top slice is covered with cardboard or plastic. The end result is that the buyer never sees the endless amount of fat until they've already purchased it. Pretty smart. Because although everyone knows how fattening bacon is, they buy it anyway because it's yummy. But if a shopper was at the store and actually saw all the fat, they'd probably decide against buying it.
4. It still cracks me up that Tucks wanted to use that Johnny Cash song "Ring of Fire" in their commercial for hemorrhoid pads. Cash's family of course turned the offer down, not wanting to have their father's song turned into a joke. But it would have been perfectly hysterical. "And it burns burns burns... the ring of fire." Not that I know personally or anything but how appropriate is that?
5. The tofu we ate for dinner last night was accidentally left out overnight. So we can't eat it anymore. HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!! For something absolutely tasteless, tofu is pretty fricken disgusting.
6. Geo is watching his DVD about piranhas in the wild. I think he's feeling a bit of guilt because he's a Murderer of Piranhas. That's his official title. Three years ago he started out with 4, but as of a week ago they were down to two. Then Geo decided to switch them to a larger tank and the temperature/ecosystem of the new tank ended up offing both of them. And then there were none. I think watching the DVD is his way of grieving. Okay the narrator just said that according to tribal people in Venezuela "To be bitten by piranha is due more to stupidity than to bad luck." That just might be true, considering I so stupidly got drunk a couple years ago and tried to pet Geo's piranha. No, "piranha" is not a euphemism for anything you fricken perverts.
7. Anyone got any idea how to get Blogger's comment option to work for me? I'm not a fan of YACCS. Yaccs sucks big balls. But although I have Blogger's comments option set to yes, it doesn't appear. It's kind of annoying really.
8. I've been trying to work on my cursing. I think I'm succeeding a little. Instead of saying the F-word every 5 minutes during an animated conversation, I think I'm down to once every 10. It's just such a great word. It somehow conveys the emotion you're feeling perfectly. Like if you say "She's an idiot" it only seems to express mild disgust. But if you say "She's a fucking idiot" then your listener knows you are describing one of the stupidest people on the planet.
9. I just ate one of those Jeno's frozen pizzas. They're so bad for you but they're fricken good as hell. When you eat them you can feel the grease clogging up your arteries but you don't care. Like Tommy burgers in L.A. When you eat a Tommy burger you pretty much gain 5 lbs by the end of the meal but it's so good you decide to just buy bigger jeans.
10. I'm drinking cantaloupe juice right now and trying not to think of how on Friends they said breastmilk tastes like cantaloupe juice. Crap, I just thought of it. You know what doesn't make any sense? Breastmilk is sweet but formula tastes like ass. I don't understand how babies can drink formula, it doesn't taste like breastmilk or regular milk. I took a gulp of formula once just to see how it tasted and I gagged then threw up into a cup. It was pretty gross. I know you guys are silently thanking me for the visual right now. No problem, anytime.
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