February 17, 2006


Public Service Announcements

There is no "gay pron" here. If there were, I would be watching it instead of typing this.
There is also no "real child pron" here, you sick, sick fuck. Get some help already for God's sake. Or for that kid's sake. Or for YOUR sake, do you know what they do to child molesters in prison??? They are not nice to them.
There are a few "bubblebutts" here but no pictures of them. And I'm not even certain who they are, I'm just assuming that of the thousands of people that randomly pass through here each month, some have rounded, bubble-shaped butts.
There aren't any "fun party shots" here because I drank them all. It is two o'clock on a Friday after all, can't slack on the weekend. You think these drinks will drink themselves??
There is a bit of "Riss and how The Other Half Lives" here, if by "the other half" you mean "people who live in Jersey fucking City and hate it."
There may also be some "hoes gone wild" here, but I have no clue who they are either. They may be hanging out with those mysterious bubblebutts. They come in twos right.
There is no "Edgar and Chloe love" here, and just reading that brought a bit of throw-up to the back of my throat.
And I'm sorry about WWII but there are no "pics of girls pissing and shitting and pissing and shitting" here either. You sick German fuck. Okay, I know that's not fair. They could also be Japanese.

P.S. - I don't know whether or not "Hugh Jackman is gay" (yes) or "Teresa Weatherspoon is a lesbian" (also yes).
P.P.S. - There's also no "midget moms with normal sized kids" here, just normal moms with midget-sized kids.

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