April 25, 2006

24: Hour Nineteen

24: Hour Nineteen

I'm just going to toss up some initial thoughts then edit it when Kwame e-mails me his thoughts on the episode. Some teeny OCD-ing part of my brain is chafing at the fact that the recaps haven't been going up on Monday nights lately.

1. I've been meaning to say this but I like the way they introduce all the characters at the beginning. Or maybe I just like seeing the words "Jack Bauer." Yeah that's it.

2. It was hysterical when President Logan said "You need protection from ME? That's absurd." His character really is the worst actor. The feigned surprise was as convincing as a 6-year-old saying he didn't know how the hamster got into the VCR.

3. Before I found out Henderson's people were magically tracking them, I was wondering why Jack didn't leave Audrey at Van Nuys Airport. He's just toting her around like the ubiquitous green bag or that bank manager's body that melted away in the night.

4. They're offing people like flies this season but the ones I'm really annoyed about are Tony Almeida and now Secretary Heller. His ass better still be alive. At the same time, he did what I was saying Audrey should have done when Henderson was using her as a pawn to get the tape. She's standing there saying "No Jack don't save me" meaning she's slightly willing to die for the cause. So then turn your ass around and attack Henderson.

5. Okay who the hell is the random bald guy, the one who played the one-armed doctor on ER.

6. When Curtis finally makes an appearance he does so with style. Although I did notice that the hand he covered Audrey's mouth with when he rescued her was covered with ketchup and salt.

7. I laughed when Jack just walked onto the British plane like it was nobody's business. But that's actually the best way to sneak around. Every time I've successfully snuck into somewhere it's been when I did it with authority, rather than hanging nervously around the entrance.

8. There's no way President Logan is surviving this season. His wife looks like she's two "Okay Dear"s away from stabbing him herself. The Television American public might not be able to handle a Presidential scandal but I'm sure they can take a president dead from "natural causes" aka "Why oh why did I ever think I could cross Jack Bauer."

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