May 26, 2004

More Random Thoughts While Washing Dishes

More Random Thoughts While Washing Dishes

1. I was on the phone with Mike J last night and he said he went to a bar that had lots of "talent" and I was clueless. I thought he meant it had a good band. He meant there were a lot of chicas, that (to quote Goose in me and Geo's favorite movie) it was "a target-rich environment." I kind of cringed after he told me what it meant. I asked him if that word in that context was a white thing but he said no. But upon further thought I think maybe it's a gay thing. It sounds kind of gay. Like something a gay guy would say after walking into Monster Bar and seeing rows of hot men ordering drinks.

2. I read Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card last night before I went to sleep. I have a bad habit of picking up books I haven't read right before I go to sleep and then not being able to put it down until it's finished. Don't continue reading this if you plan to read the book one day. It was a brilliant book, excellent... Except for the ending. Well to be honest though, personal feelings aside, the ending was brilliant as well. It's just that I love happy endings and this ending is bittersweet, melancholy, disturbing and almost depressing. You wonder whether Card loves or hates his hero, an 11-year-old boy named Ender who was 6 when the book started. A military genius, he was bred in the hopes that he would one day save the world, which he does, but at a terrible personal price. Ender is one of the most likeable literary characters I've ever "met" -- you really end up caring about him and his successes. I picked this book up because it was recommended highly by the bookstore clerk and don't regret it.

3. On my favorite episode of Frasier which was re-run last night, Daphne said she never drinks Orangina at home but when she's in a hotel it's the first thing she grabs from the minibar. Although it's a crime to drink anything non-alcoholic from something with the word "bar" in it, I laughed because I'm the same way with Orangina. I don't drink it at home or even at the mall or restaurants. But put me in another big city like Toronto or Vancouver or Chicago and I start craving it. Like it's some treat. Or some potion for home sickness. Isn't it from France or something?

4. Yes, I have many dishes.

5. We walked into FYE the other day and made the mistake of picking up You Got Served because after the rebate it was 9 bucks. What a waste of 9 dollars. If I took 9 dollars and tossed it into a fire it would not be a bigger waste. I was 0-3 in the last three movies I'd seen, when I popped in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I'd always seen this comic at the store but never picked it up. That might have been a mistake because it's a great concept. The protagonists are literary characters from well-read classics -- Allan Quatermain (H. Rider Haggard's King Solomon's Mines), Mina Harker (Bram Stoker's Dracula), Captain Nemo (Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea), Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray), Tom Sawyer (Mark Twain) to name a few. I thought the movie was a good comic-book-turned movie, but that statement coming from me is worth nothing since I never read the comic. Not as good as X-Men 2 but better than many of the others.

6. Yes, I think a whole lot while doing mundane chores. It's why sometimes chores take me a bit longer than usual. Good thing I don't think that much in the can.

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