July 16, 2004



Here ya go Kwam, this article lists a few celebs who might be conservatives. I feel almost sorry for them, it names them as if they were Communists during the time of McCarthyism. They might get the cold shoulder over glasses of Moet for awhile, until they're able to convince the other celebrities that it was a misprint.

Abel came over yesterday to do a book swap (his copy of Fluke by Christopher Lamb for my copy of A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole.) He brought me a Coolatta from Dunkin' Donuts since he felt bad coming over with just one for himself. It was yummy but my stomach hated me for about an hour afterwards. Note to self: Lactose intolerant people should refrain from drinking anything made out of milk, about three coffee beans and half a can of whipped cream.

Random Lists of the Day:

Five Songs I'd Pick If I Was Stuck on a Deserted Island and Had To Listen To Five Songs Over and Over Again
1. Don't Stand So Close To Me (The Police)
2. One (Metallica)
3. The Whole World (Outkast)
4. Mozart's full Requiem (Technically it only counts as one song)
5. Chop Suey (System of a Down)

Geo's Picks
1. Adam's Song (Blink 182)
2. I Miss You (Blink 182)
3. Soma (Smashing Pumpkins)
4. Disintegration (The Cure)
5. Homesick (The Cure)

Angel and Faith's Picks
1. I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing (Aerosmith)
2. Feeling This (Blink 182)
3. In The End (Linkin Park)
4. Hey Ya (Outkast)
5. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (by the Fisher-Price Aquarium toy)

Geo and I are usually on point about music but I am so not wanting to be stuck on his desert island if that's what he's going to be listening to. Although the Blink songs are good. I can watch a movie I am not enjoying, I can read a book that sucks, but what I absolutely cannot do is listen to songs I dislike over and over again. That's the reason I wanted to get out of retail so bad when I was a teenager. It had nothing to do with waiting on snotty customers. I just wanted to stop having to listen to that damn CD the managers had to keep playing all summer (as dictated by the corporate office's marketing department.)

Okay I'm on my way out which was why I resorted to making lists instead of finding something to actually discuss. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

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